buildee Blog

Bryn Fosburgh Joins simuwatt Board of Directors

Written by Matt Brown | May 25, 2017 8:15:12 PM

Bryn Fosburgh recently joined the simuwatt Board of Directors to support the company’s growth as an application and platform leader in commercial building energy efficiency. At Trimble Bryn led multiple business units, up to $1 Billion in revenue, from ideation to profitability. During his tenure Bryn formed and managed the Trimble Buildings sector, where he saw the opportunities in energy efficiency.

“I’m excited to join the simuwatt team in a board capacity as we evolve from an early stage pioneer to established player. simuwatt has a unique platform that addresses the multi-billion dollar energy efficiency market by identifying ways to reduce cost of ownership while improving performance throughout the building lifecycle,” said Fosburgh.

In 2016, simuwatt began offering its core energy assessment application and platform to energy professionals. simuwatt is expanding its offering as an enablement platform for a broad market of energy professionals and building owners.

“The simuwatt team is incredibly fortunate to have Bryn join its Board of Directors at this early stage. Bryn’s 30+ years of go-to market experience along with deep knowledge of key verticals aligns with our goal of making energy efficiency software accessible to the masses,” said Oliver Davis, CEO and Co-Founder.

About Bryn
Bryn joined Trimble in 1994 and currently serves as senior vice president for Trimble's joint venture businesses, government sales, construction OEM, and key customer relationships. During his career at Trimble, Bryn has held a number of vice president and general manager roles across the surveying, construction, transportation and logistics, and agricultural groups. Bryn was an active founding architect of Trimble's Civil Engineering, Buildings, and Transportation and Logistics industry segments. He has additionally had responsibility for a number of corporate functions and geographical regions.

Bryn received a Masters of Science in Purdue University in 1989 and a Bachelor of Science from University of Wisconsin - Green Bay in 1985.
