simuwatt® Energy Auditor and Clark Nexsen, a national architecture and engineering firm, recently worked together to streamline the data collection phase of energy auditing, retro-commissioning, and similar efforts. Specifically, this collaboration is ongoing on a retro-commissioning project at NASA’s Langley Research Center. This effort creates an opportunity for Clark Nexsen to more effectively deliver high value energy efficiency recommendations, and empowers end facility owners in reducing their energy consumption.
“The use of simuwatt® Energy Auditor has allowed us to focus more time on analysis and less time on raw data collection providing more effective outcomes for our clients”, said Tom Ostasiewski, Senior Project Manager at Clark Nexsen. “Ramping up on simuwatt came at little investment due to a simple, intuitive interface requiring minimal training, and a powerful export into currently used analysis solutions.” Providing efficient and effective energy analysis is a growing need as government mandates for commercial energy benchmarking and auditing continue to grow. As this market continues to evolve, partnerships between energy engineering firms and software companies will become more prevalent.
For nearly 100 years Clark Nexsen, Inc. has improved the daily lives of hard-working people through buildings designed to facilitate their goals. Clark Nexsen Energy takes this knowledge to existing buildings and applies Energy Intelligence to allow the people and the building to operate at their peak performance. Clark Nexsen Energy works with clients ranging from large Federal agencies to local municipalities, and universities to Energy Service Companies to identify these energy savings and comfort/productivity enhancing opportunities through specialized building analysis.
In-depth building analysis provides a detailed understanding of both how the building needs to properly serve the users and how it is actually operating. Developing a database of knowledge filled with personal interviews, equipment data, photographs, and test results are critical to the process but time intensive. An in-house software solution was developed by Clark Nexsen to improve efficiency over paper and pencil methods, however managing the collection, organization, and retrieval of data was increasingly taking time that could be better focused on delivering the right solution to their customers. simuwatt® Energy Auditor was selected to streamline the data collection process and optimize access for higher value analysis...