
Ben Levine

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Energy Efficiency is an Urgently Needed Climate Solution

As international leaders gather next week to discuss climate action during Climate Week NYC, new research shows that energy efficiency can slash US energy use and greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by...

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Canada Recognizes Need to Retrofit Existing Building Stock

New energy efficient buildings aren't enough, experts say — we have to retrofit the old ones, too

Canada Green Building Council says building sector has tremendous opportunity to reduce its carbon...

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ACEEE Releases 2019 City Clean Energy Scorecard

US cities are ramping up their clean energy efforts, notably with stricter energy-saving rules for buildings, but only a few cities appear on track to meet their community-wide climate goals,...

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States are Taking Advantage of Energy Efficiency

A growing number of states are adopting ambitious clean energy goals, aiming to zero out emissions in the power sector and, in some cases, the statewide economy.

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buildee Can Help you Comply with NYC's Climate Mobilization Act

If you own or operate a building larger than 25,000 square feet in NYC, you should utilize buildee in order to comply with 40x30 & 80x50 goals as well as newly mandated emissions limits.  

What You...

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Keeping Climate Promises is Proving to be Hard for Cities

Cities Are Making Big Climate Promises. Keeping Them Can Be Tough

Two years ago, Atlanta was widely lauded when it committed to have all homes, businesses and city operations rely largely on...

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IECC Committee Passes New EV-Ready Code Requirements

The International Code Council (ICC) code hearings were held the first week of May in Albuquerque to determine which of the proposed code amendments will be considered for adoption in the 2021 model...

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Carbon dioxide hits a level not seen for 3 million years

Here's what that means for climate change — and humanity.

Scientists are sounding the alarm over the potential for catastrophic changes to our environment.

In the latest bit of bad news for a planet...

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Colorado Legislature Passes New Energy Codes Bill

The Colorado legislature has passed a much-needed Energy Codes Update Bill, HB19-1260, with broad bipartisan support. This new law will significantly increase energy savings as well as improve health...

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