
Ben Levine

Recent Posts

buildee Portfolio - A Powerful New Tool to Harness Energy Data at Scale

buildee is Excited to Announce the Release of buildee Portfolio. An Exciting New Tool to Harness the Power of Energy Data Across an Entire Building Portfolio.

Monetize Building Energy Data & Guide...

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City of Somerville Leverages buildee to Improve Sustainability

“The buildee Platform provides Somerville with simple asset management, streamlined portfolio analysis, easy data collection tools, and instant reports. This has enabled me to provide improved ...

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buildee Reports - Completely Automate Your Building Energy Reporting

The top energy reporting product on the market has become even more powerful!

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buildee - Building Relationship Manager (BRM)

Every business operation has software and connected data to centralize and simplify processes. Buildings are no different.buildee's field and back-office provenBuildingRelationship Manager (BRM)...

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buildee Speaking at AESP 2021 Conference on 1/28

buildee CEO and Co-Founder Oliver Davis will be virtually presenting at the Association of Energy Service Professionals (AESP) Conference on January 28th. The Conference theme is Charging Forward in...

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buildee Pitching in the Smart Utilities Category at START@ETS

buildee CEO and Co-Founder Oliver Davis will be pitching in the Smart Utilities category during the semi-finals of the Zpryme START@ETS pitch competition. 

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buildee Speaking at AEE World Energy Conference

buildee CEO and Co-Founder Oliver Davis will be virtually presenting at the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) World Energy Conference on December 2nd. The Conference begins on December 1st and...

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buildee Presenting During gbXML Webinar on November 11

Please joinbuildeeat an upcoming webinar titled:A Demo of Building Analysis and Energy Auditing Software Tools Using gbXML and BuildingSync XMLthat will take place on Wednesday, November 11, 2020...

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buildee Speaking at Smart Cities Connect Virtual Conference on 10/29

buildee CEO and Co-Founder Oliver Davis will be moderating a panel at the Smart Cities Connect Virtual Conference & Expo on October 29th. The Conference begins on October 27th and will be presenting ...

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